Candidate protein solved with ligand having largest Tanimoto similarity to target ligand (hiTanimoto)

All weeks, 8025 targets

LMCSSCandidate protein solved with ligand having largest maximum common substructure with target ligand  SMCSSCandidate protein solved with ligand having smallest maximum common substructure with target ligand  hiResApoHighest resolution unbound Candidate protein  hiResHoloHighest resolution ligand-bound Candidate protein  hiTanimotoCandidate protein solved with ligand having largest Tanimoto similarity to target ligand 


Boxes: first and third quartiles (Q1, Q3). Whiskers: min and max after removal of outliers (points 1.5 times the interquartile range above Q3 and below Q1). Dots: outliers; Those above the graph range are placed at the graph maximum.