GC4 Affinity Ranking - BACE (Stage 1A)

Grand Challenge 4 - Affinity Ranking - BACE (Stage 1A)

Kendall's τ

△ - Structure Based; ◯ - Ligand Based
Gray Fill - Manual Intervention
Orange Outline - Machine Learning

Spearman's ρ

△ - Structure Based; ◯ - Ligand Based
Gray Fill - Manual Intervention
Orange Outline - Machine Learning

Receipt ID Submitter Name PI/Group Name Number of Ligands Kendall's τ Kendall's τ Error Spearman's ρ Spearman's ρ Error Method Name Software Method Type
j3o1s Ye ZouHo-leung ng 150 0.11 0.06 0.16 0.08 omega/smina-vinardo/rf-score omega 3/datawarrior 4.7.3/smina version apr. 29, 2017 with vinardo scoring function/rf-score vs v2
drpb0 Jonathan BohmannMedicinal and process chemistry 153 0.15 0.05 0.21 0.08 rhodium hts accelerys discovery studio 2.0 pymol 1.2 rhodium 5.8
mrx7r Jonathan BohmannMedicinal and process chemistry 153 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.09 rhodium hts accelerys discovery studio 2.0 pymol 1.2 rhodium 5.8