

Lead Finder + xedex conformer sampling


Lead Finder 1808, xedex, Build Model 1808

System Preparation Parameters

Ligands 3D optimized using xedmin tool
Ligands protonated at pH 7.4
Rings conformations generated using xedex (-v 50)

System Preparation Method

Build Model 1808 with default settings was used for preparation of protein models.
Ligands were converted to 2D using babel, 3D optimized using xedmin tool. Ligand macrocycle conformations were
sampled using xedex tool (with -D 50 option). All aliphatic NH were manually protonated to (+) state,
amide bonds in cyclic rings were set to trans- conformation. Several most appropriate protein models per
ligand were selected for docking.

Pose Prediction Parameters

3 independent docking runs / model + ligand + conformation
default docking parameters

Pose Prediction Method

3 independent docking runs of Lead Finder 1808 with default parameters were used per
conformation per model. Results were clusterized using DBSCAN algorithm (eps=0.5, m=5). For each cluster the pose
with the best dG was selected. Only poses satisfying H-bonds filters: h-bonds with residue 230, and (residue 32
or residue 228) were considered. Poses satisfying filters were manually reviewed and selected for submission.
This protocol differs from the protocol used for 1a in that different person manually reviewed poses and selected
them for submission.

Answer 1


Answer 2
