

Crystal Alignment


Flare 2.0 revision 34140
RDkit 2018.09.01

System Preparation Parameters

Assumed pH 4.5

System Preparation Method

Ligands were read from smiles files with Flare, protonated to a pH of 4.5 and minimised with Flare. They were then docked to, 2HHN with only retaining one docking pose. The resulting ligand positions were saved.

Pose Prediction Parameters

default of fkcombu

Pose Prediction Method

The preliminary docked ligands were used to find the maximum common substructure between ligand and available crystal structures of GC3. Ligands of GC4 were matched to GC3 crystals based on the largest MCS. Matched GC4 ligands were aligned to their crystal structure match using the crystal structure receptor as the reference protein.

Answer 1




Free Energies from Docking


Flare 2.0 revision 34140
Rdkit 2018.09.01


calculation method normal
Quality Normal
Max poses 10
Pool Size 1.00
Population Size 1.00
pH 4.5


Ligands were read from file with Flare, minimised protonated to a pH of 4.5 and minimised with Flare. They were then docked to, 2HHN with only retaining one docking pose. The resulting ligand positions were saved and used to find the maximum common substructure between ligand and available crystal structures of GC3. Matched crystal structures were then used to aligned the docked compounds to the crystal compounds using fkcombu. Aligned structures with their respective crystals were then read back into Flare for a second round of docking calculations to pdb structure 5QC4. Top scoring poses were checked to see if binding mode was consistent with known crystal structures. Then the LF dG score was recorded and pose was saved.

Answer 1


Answer 2
